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CBD for Occasional Sleeplessness

  • April 13,2021

CBD for Occasional Sleeplessness

Everyone experiences sleep issues from time to time. These nighttime disruptions can cause daytime struggles. Many consumers are turning to CBD for occasional sleeplessness. The all-natural hemp extract is the ideal option for improving sleep quality and helping with those sleepless nights.

Reasons You’re Not Sleeping

No one enjoys looking at the time on their phone multiple times before and after midnight. The longer you watch the clock, the more the anxiety about not sleeping increases. There are several reasons you might not be getting the zzz’s you need at night.

Too Much Caffeine

Coffee is an excellent pick-me-up in the morning, but too much caffeine after noontime can keep you going longer than you want at night. According to the experts, you should cut off all caffeinated products between noon and 2 pm. The energizing drinks can affect sleep for up to six hours after your last sip.

Anxious Thoughts

Anxiety has long kept people up at night. Whether it’s a busy day you’re planning in your head or thoughts about a bill you forgot to pay, these nighttime discussions in your head can keep you awake. Everyone’s been there from time to time. You just want your brain to stop thinking long enough to fall asleep.


Anxious thoughts and stress go hand-in-hand. When your stressors increase, it’s easy to understand how sleep quality decreases. Stress can also cause muscle tension. Consumers that also drink too much caffeine before bed might be compounding the problem. You want to reduce stress as much as possible to improve overall wellness. High stress is very unhealthy and can lead to depression, sleep problems, muscle spasms, weight gain, and cardiovascular problems.

Poor Sleep-Wake Cycle

This reason might be a little more technical than the other causes of occasional sleep issues. Your body has a sleep-wake cycle. It works best when you keep the same sleep pattern. What does that mean? You should go to sleep and get up around the same time every day. This rhythm helps your body tell your brain it’s time for rest. When you have erratic sleep habits, the sleep-wake cycle has trouble functioning.

The Advantages of CBD for Occasional Sleeplessness

CBD is an excellent option for reducing sleepless nights. The all-natural products are derived from organic hemp without using dangerous pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers. Botanical extracts may improve nighttime rest without leaving you groggy in the morning.

Many prescription and over-the-counter medications knock you out for the night but leave you in a fog for the first half of your day. Few people can afford to start their morning with their heads in the clouds. CBD is non-intoxicating, non-habit-forming, and it won’t leave you unproductive the next day.

CBD Methods for Improving Sleep Quality

There are a few ways to use CBD. The hemp plant is very versatile. The original method is a sublingual tincture. A few drops under the tongue absorb into the mucus membrane and directly into the bloodstream for fast results. These whole-plant and broad-spectrum oils work in about 15 minutes and last around four to six hours.


Edibles are a popular option for using CBD. Many consumers choose gummies and other infused candies and products, such as honey sticks and drinks. While these are a fun and yummy method for taking hemp extracts, they take a bit longer to work than tinctures. These go through the digestion process and are broken down in the liver before absorbing into the bloodstream. The process varies by person but can take from 30 to 90 minutes. Like oil, edibles have a four- to six-hour duration.


Similar to edibles in onset and length, capsules are infused with CBD oil. These are a more traditional way to use hemp products. Older consumers often prefer starting with this method for taking CBD.


Topicals are the ideal product for calming sore muscles. Although it’s not mentioned as a reason you’re not sleeping, aches and pains can keep anyone awake. Yes, consumers can get relief from soreness through oils and edibles. But lotions and creams infused with a phytocannabinoid-rich formula provide excellent local support for post-workout pains.

These don’t enter the bloodstream, so there’s no concern about THC, and it hits the spot in about 20 minutes. It lasts around three to four hours, and you can re-apply as needed. Additionally, you can combine topical hemp balms with oils, edibles, and vaping.

CBD Dosing for Occasional Sleeplessness

Finding the optimal dose of CBD for sleep depends on the product and your experience with hemp extracts. The popular phytocannabinoid isn’t a one-size-fits-all sleeplessness solution. We suggest you start with a low dose and slowly increase the amount until you find the serving size that meets your individual needs. Most new CBD users begin with 5mg and move up gradually to 25mg or more daily.

Choose our premium organic full-spectrum hemp oil grown in nutrient-rich soil on the island of Kauai. Hawaiian Nexxus full- and broad-spectrum CBD products provide the calming experience you need to end the occasional sleepless nights. We offer a wide range of infused hemp items, including tinctures, edibles, and topicals.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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